Tuesday, May 21, 2013

kerala psc - recruitment - 2013 - on line application

PSC Kerala - Staff nurse Recruitment 2013 - on line application

Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Recruitment 2013 

For on line application, Please go to the link bellow

Kerala psc invites application from eligible candidates for the post of Staff Nurse Grade II
Gazette Date: 30/04/2013
Last Date: 05/06/2013
Category No: 68/2013

1.   Department :   Medical Education
2.   Name of Post :  Staff Nurse Grade.II
3.   Scale of Pay  :   R 13900-24040
4.   Number of vacancies :  Statewide-275 (Two Hundred and Seventy
5.  Method of appointment            : Direct Recruitment
6.  Age limit: 20-36-Only  candidates  born  between 
7.  Qualifications:-
 A pass in Plus Two/Pre-degree (with Science subjects)Course/Pass in
 VHSE (with Science subjects)/VHSE in Domestic Nursing of a
 recognized University or its equivalent.
A Pass in B.Sc Nursing (or a pass in General Nursing and Midwifery
Course having not less than 3 years duration from any institution
recognized by Government).
Certificate of Registration with Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council
as Nurse and Midwife, in the case of Women candidates or as Nurse
in the case of male candidates.

8.  Mode of submitting Application:-     Candidates must register as per ‘ONE
TIME REGISTRATION’  with the official Website of Kerala Public Service
Commission www.keralapsc.gov.in before applying for the post.  Candidates
who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID
and password.  Candidates must click on  the ‘Apply Now’ button of the
respective posts in the Notification Link to applying for a post.  No application
fee is required.  Candidates  can view and have a printout of the details in the
profile by clicking the link Registration Card.  Candidates are responsible for
the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the
final submission of the application on the profile candidates must ensure
correctness of the information on their profile.  They must quote the User-ID for
further  communication  with  the  Commission.   Application  submitted  is
provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission.  The application
will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due course of processing.  Documents to prove qualification, experience, 
community, age etc have to be produced as and when called for.
9.    Last date for receipt of application:- 05.06.2013, Wednesday  upto  
      12.00    Midnight.
10. Name of Website to which applications are to be sent : www.keralapsc.gov.in 
(Please also see the General Conditions given in Part II of the Notification)

kerala PSC online application

Dear Friends,
            For on line application, Please go to the link bellow

1.   Department :   Medical Education
2.   Name of Post :  Staff Nurse Grade.II
3.   Scale of Pay  :   R 13900-24040
4.   Number of vacancies :  Statewide-275 (Two Hundred and Seventy
5.  Method of appointment            : Direct Recruitment
6.  Age limit: 20-36-Only 

kerala psc Staff nurse model questions

1. Fertilization of ovum takes place at:
Ans. Ampulla

2. The most frequent causes of maternal death during child birth:
Ans. Hemorrhage

3. LMP was on 01.09.2009, then EDD is on:
Ans. 08.06.2010

4. Endomatrium after conception is known as:
Ans. Decidua

5. The reagent used for testing urine sugar is:
Ans. Benedict’s reagent

6. Fertilized ovum up to 3-8 weeks is called:
Ans. Embryo

7. Severe vomitting in pregnancy is:
Ans. Hyperemesis gravidarum

8. The hereditary determinants of humans are received from:
Ans. Genes

9. Humans placenta develops at ………….. months of pregnancy
Ans. 3

10. Fusing of sperm and ovum is called:
Ans. Fertilization

11. Injection TT is given to pregnant women to prevent:
Ans. Neonatal tetanus

12. How many pairs of chromosomes in man?
Ans. 23

13. Average births weight of an Indian baby is ………. Kg.
Ans. 3

14. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy is:
Ans. Eclampsia

15. An infant sits alone momentarily by about ……. month of age.
Ans. 6

16. The ideal pelvis for child bearing is ………. pelvis
Ans. Gynaecoid

17. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before ………. weeks of pregnancy.
Ans. 28

18. HCG can be detected in blood after conception as early as ………… days
Ans. 9

19. Positive signs of pregnancy is:
Ans. Foetal movement

20. The causes of physiological anaemia in pregnancy is:
Ans. Haemodilution

21. Normal volume of amniotic fluid at term is ……… ml.
Ans. 1000

22. Increased accumulation of cerebro spinal fluid in brain is:
Ans. Hydrocephalys

23. The foetal heart sound can be heard after …….. month of pregnancy.
Ans. 6

24. The average length of umbilical cord is ……… cm.
Ans. 50

25. Human foetus has a coat of hair called:
Ans. Lanugo

26. Hypoglycemia in a baby of diabetic mother is because of:
Ans. Increased insulin

27. Site of fertilization in female reproductory system is:
Ans. Fallopian tube

28. The child has a complete set of deciduous teeth at the age of ……….. years.
Ans. 2

29. Protein requirement for a pregnant woman per day is ……….. grams
Ans. 55

30. Congenital varicella is related with which disease?
Ans. Chicken pox

31. The maximum amount of blood lost during delivery is ……… ml.
Ans. 500

32. The first sign seen in pregnancy is:
Ans. Amenorrhoea

33. The hormone that is injected to pregnant woman at the time of delivery:
Ans. Oxytocin

34. Labour starts with pain and ends with the delivery of:
Ans. Placenta

35. Labour takes place after ………. day of last menstrual period:
Ans. 280

36. A new born baby has ………… bones.
Ans. 300

37. Bartholin gland is found in:
Ans. Vagina

38. Corpus luteum is found in:
Ans. Ovary

39. A child’s heredity is determined at the time of:
Ans. Conception

40. Heart burn refers to an uneasy burning sensation in the:
Ans. Stomach

41. Breast milk production is increased due to:
Ans. Prolactin

42. The brim of the anthropoid pelvis is ……….. shape.
Ans. Oval

43. Which chemical is used to test urine for albumin.
Ans. Acetic acid

44. ………. percent of water contains in amniotic fluid.
Ans. 99

45. The killing of a new born child by its parents is called:
Ans. Infanticide

46. The function of amnion is:
Ans. Shock protection

47. The strongest ligament in the female pelvis is:
Ans. Transverse cervical

48. Gynaecoid pelvis is ………. in shape.
Ans. Round

49. First foetal movement felt by the mother is:
Ans. Quickening

50. The alternate term of normal labour is:
Ans. Eutocia

51. The process by which ova are discharge from ovary is called:
Ans. Ovulation

52. Grafian follicle of ovary secretes which hormones?
Ans. Oestrogen

53. Drugs and X-rays should be avoided in the ………. trimester of pregnancy:
Ans. First

54. Amniotic fluid other wise known as:
Ans. Liquor amni

55. The first Railway line in South India started in:
Ans. 1856

56. There is 16 Zones and ………. divisions in Indian Railways.
Ans. 68

57. Kerala State included in which Zone?
Ans. Southern

58. Who was the first Vice President of India ?
Ans. Dr.S. Radhakrishnan

59. Shantivan is the Samadhi place of:
Ans. Indira Gandhi

60. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh:
Ans. Shiek Haseena

61. Mother Teresa was born in:
Ans. Yugoslavia

62. Chepauk stadium situates in:
Ans. Chennai

63. The First Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu was:
Ans. C.N. Annadurai

64. The famous wild life sanctuary in Tamil Nadu:
Ans. Mudumalai

65. Kanchi was the capital of the:
Ans. Pallavas

kerala psc exam - tips

PSC Exam Preparation - tips

Time management

Self assessment is an important part in PSC Exam preparation. Practice as many Mock Tests as possible in close to examination environment as possible. Because time management is very important. Don’t try to read the entire question paper first. Try to answer easy questions first with care.

You have to answer for a large number of questions with in a short time. For example as per Kerala PSC exam pattern you will get only less than one minute for answering one question (100 questions to be answered with in one hour and fifteen minutes). The experiences of the author as well as many selected candidates show that you should have 90 or above correct answer out of 100 questions to get a call for interview.


Questions can be asked from every nook and corner of the subject and therefore it is not at all advisable to omit any chapter or area. Because even a single wrong answer could miss your dream job. We are living in an era of tough competition. Unless and until youhave a well planned strategy, you will miss the target. Previous question papers show that plenty of questions are asked repeatedly. Candidates Should have a thorough knowledge of all subjects covered for the psc exam.


You can guess if you are able to narrow down the answers to two, otherwise not. Beware of negative marks. Each correct answer carries 1 mark and for each wrong answer 1/3 mark will be deducted in Kerala PSC, no negative marks in UPSC, No negative mark for unattended questions.

During preparation

Avoid heavy oily food just before exam – your brain will concentrate on digestion not on your question paper. Take more vegetables and fresh water – like green leaves, carrots etc. which will decrease your eyestrain and sharpen your memory. Avoid smoking, excess tea and drinks, Many of us have a belief that smoking, black tea etc. will stimulate our brain so that we can able to study for a long time but these will definitely decrease your energy, and you will become tired with in short time. 

Sleep deprivation will result in decreased mental alertness. Many of the students will prepare thoroughly before the exam, but in the night before the exam, they avoid sleep and try to revise the whole topic. This will definitely decrease their mental alertness and they are unable to grasp the questions. So go to bed early in the night before exam.


Plan your studies at least two months prior to exam - this is the most important aspect towards securing a good rank. The plan should ideally be drafted up to two months prior to the date of examination; thereafter a revised schedule might be put into operation. Prepare a simple timetable with sufficient time for each subject. Make notes in a separate paper in abbreviated form (a must). It will considerably shorten the revisiontime & improve your memory. This proves very useful while revising the textbook also. 

Use different colored pencil or pen for marking tricky confusing questions. Group discussion is also an important factor in preparation. One among you asks questions in haphazard/ rapid manner and others try to answer. This will quicken or sharpen your memory and reflexes. But not conceal any points for fear of others knowing it.

Our memory

We may forget 75% of topics with in first 48 hours. So try to read the same topic 2-3 times with in two or three days, other wise you will not be able to remember majority of the points.

Last moment revision

It pertains to the last three days before the examination. Relax the schedule's bit, try recapitulating the information, and revise the matter which you couldn't recollect. Revise the easily forgettable information like Biochemical values, aphorisms, observations etc. Read the notes you prepared in abbreviated form.


Remember that there is no magic formula for success in an interview. Good preparation, judicious application of common sense and self-confidence are the key factors that will help us in an interview.

Regular assignments

Regular assignments and home works are unavoidable for getting a higher score

Avoid anxiety & jealousy

It is very difficult to comprehend and concentrate if you are over anxious. If you are jealous towards your friend and classmates on competitive exams - it will create turmoil inyour brain so you are unable to concentrate.